We are allowed to tie up with many overseas organizations, and offer the broad program it is under world straddling.
●South Korea: International Student Association of Korea(ISA-K)
●Philippines: International Youth Association of Philippine
●Mongolia: Otgontenger University
●China: Global Exchange Network for Students at Peking University
●Indonesia: Indonesian Student Association For International Studies (ISAFIS)
Asia Pacific-Indonesia Multicultural Understanding Network (APIMUN Network)
Kampung Expeditions
●Vietnam: Eee Club at Univeristy of Social Sciences and Humanities
●Israel: The Student Union of Tel Aviv University
●Turkey: MANAGEMENT CLUB #University of Marmara
●Switzerland: Ressort International IWC #Studentenschaft University St.Gallen
●Hungary: AIR-Association for International Relations at Corvinus University Budapest
●The Ukraine: Young Diplomacy Centre
●Slovenija: Management Group at University of Ljubljana - Faculty of Economics
●Czechoslovakia: ESN VSE Prague - Buddy System at University of Economics Prague
●Austria: ÖH-WU at WU Wien
●Poland: Polish Students' Association (ZSP)
●Croatia: Croatian student association
●Finland: Student Union of the Helsinki School of Economics
●Belgium: The Louvain School of Management
●Denmark: Copenhagen Business School
●Sweden: Uppsala EBA Student Association at Uppsala University
International Checkpoint Gothenburg at University of Gothenburg School
Lunda Ekonomerna at Lund University School
●Spain: ESADE - Business School
●the Netherlands: Rotterdam School of Management (RSM)
Erasmus University & University of Amsterdam
●Germany: PIM&CEMS Club at University of Cologne
●Estonia : Student Union of Tallinn University of Technology